A mini course for body acceptance and self-confidence.
on sale the first week of june!

What if you could stop hating your body, quit dieting for good,
and learn to truly love yourself?

And no, I’m not just another inspirational person on Instagram telling you that “you’re beautiful just the way you are,” or “you should just love yourself,” because I know it’s a lot easier said than done.

Buuuuuut, there is a way to find true self-love. And I’m here to show you how.

Does any of this sound familiar:

    On Monday, you swear that “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle,” but by Wednesday, you’re craving pizza and on Friday, you eat just. one. slice. That one slice turns into three, plus a pint of ice cream which you feel sooooo guilty for eating. By Saturday, you feel bloated and uncomfortable in your body and swear that on Monday, you will start again and it will be different this time!!
    A little tighter here, a little smoother there and a lot thinner EVERYWHERE. But not too thin, of course, because curves are in (thanks, Kim K!), but only if they’re on your chest or bum (preferably both!) and nowhere else!!
    I mean, of course, Beyoncé loves herself! She’s, well… Beyoncé! And that fashion blogger on Instagram? Well, her hair is perfect, her body is perfect, her house is perfect, her family is perfect, she just seems so… perfect.
    You follow the inspirational accounts. You listen to the motivating podcasts. You read the recommended books. You get why self-love is important, but you look in the mirror and feel hopeless. You haven’t worn shorts in years and when you put on a bikini, you want to cry. And you only feel good if you feel like you look good. 
    Not thin enough. Not pretty enough. Not smart enough. Not funny enough. Not accomplished enough. It’s like no matter what you do, it never feels like enough. You think, if only you could lose ten pounds or make more money or get that guy to like you, then you’ll finally be happy with yourself. But as always, it doesn’t work. Because it’s never enough. Because you’re not enough.

If you’re wondering, “How does she know what I’m feeling?!”

I was you many years ago...

I hated my body. 

I exhausted myself with restrictive diets and endless exercise. 

I binge ate tubs of ice cream and jars of peanut butter and felt SO guilty, ashamed, and horrible in my body the next morning. 

Felt guilty whenever I’d “cheat” on my diet or skip a workout. 

I was stuck in an endless cycle of
SELF-HATE AND body-image issues.

Can you relate to this?

Imagine yourself...

  • Enjoying food without any fear, guilt, or shame
  • Eating meals you love with your friends and family without counting calories or worrying about how you'll "work it off" later
  • ​Looking in the mirror and completely loving the body you see. 
  • Embracing every inch of your unique, beautiful self without self-doubt or self-criticism
  • ​Being  so confident in yourself that you STOP COMPARING who you are or what you look like to anyone else.
  • ​Truly loving yourself in a way that you've only dreamed of. 
  • Wear a bikini, a crop top, or your favorite dress feeling truly CONFIDENT.
  • ​​Knowing that YOU ARE ENOUGH exactly as you are right now


A mini course to help YOU heal body-image struggles and learn to love yourself unconditionally.

Bitchin' Body-Image includes...

  • 16+ hours of audio and video lessons that will walk you through my Self-Love Formula, Body-Image Tools, Food Freedom Approach, and Confidence Mindset
  • ​4 comprehensive workbooks with integration homework to go with every lesson
  • ​4 online retreat recordings to further deepen the lessons
  • ​BONUS: guided self-love meditations
  • ​BONUS: exclusive guest interviews

Here's what other women have said about Mary's coaching: 

Bitchin' Body-Image is where you'll learn to love yourself BEYOND your body while cultivating true self-acceptance.

This is NOT a fluffy program where I’ll tell you that "you are beautiful just the way you are!"

Because no matter how much someone tells us that, it simply reaffirms the idea that your appearance is important.

It's not!!! Your looks are the most boring thing about you!

I want you to experience the joy, confidence and peace that comes from truly loving yourself, beyond your body.

I want you to have bitchin' body-image: the kind of unshakeable confidence you've craved your whole life.

What You’ll Learn, Week by Week:

Week 1: The Self-Love Formula

My proven formula where I'll show you how to feel confident, know your worth, and be nice to yourself for god's sake! You'll also do a self-love challenge that will boost your confidence and help you see yourself as MORE than a body. 

Week 2: Unfuck Your

It's not your fault that you struggle with body image. We have society, beauty-standards and Instagram models to thank for that. But if you want to feel comfortable, confident and sexy in the skin you’re in, then we have some body-image unfucking to do!

Week 3: Finding Food Freedom

Food anxiety, constant dieting/ binge eating, and worrying about if that cake will make you gain weight can make you feel like a failure. I'll help you break free from the vicious cycle of restricting, binging and hating your body so that you can have food FREEDOM forever.

Week 4: Self-Talk & Mindset

Your inner critic says things to you that you would never say to someone you loved. And it hurts. Learning tools for positive self-talk and a healthy mindset will take you from drowning in self-criticism  to valuing, respecting, and loving yourself like your own best friend.

What's Included in Bitchin' Body-Image:

Online Course Content

Inside the private members-only website you'll gain access to audio and video lessons where you'll learn how to break free from body-image struggles, quit dieting for good, and finally love yourself for who you are.

4 Online Retreat Recordings

In these pre-recorded workshops, Mary will guide you through even more self-love exercises and help you integrate the material you are learning in the online course. These workshops are about 2 hours long.

Self-love Workbooks

Each week's materials includes a workbook to go with what you are learning in the course. This will help you take notes, dig deeper within yourself, and put the body-image tools into practice.

BONUS: Guest Interviews

These insights from guest experts will create a holistic experience in Beyond Body. Guests include an Eating Psychology Coach, a Liberation Specialist, and a Licensed Psychologist specializing in Sexuality.

BONUS: Guided Meditations

​These guided meditations for self love are downloadable so you can do them  anytime you're having a negative body-image day or just need some self-lovin' inspiration.

You CAN show up confidently in your life and see yourself as the beautiful human being that you are. You just need someone to show you how.

I'm in! What's my investment?

Good news! You're among the first women to take this particular course, which means you'll get everything for the lowest price EVER.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
your beyond body investment:
This includes...
  • 16+ hours of recorded audio and video lessons
  • Self-love workbooks with every lesson
  • Weekly online retreats with Mary via Zoom
  • 24/7 support group of like-minded women
  • Weekly self-love challenges
  • ​Q&A opportunities to get personalized answers to your questions
  • BONUS: Guided meditations for self-love
  • ​BONUS: Interviews with guest experts
  • BONUS: The Body Confidence Guide e-book + workbook
  • And SO. MUCH. MORE.

Imagine yourself this summer... ☀️💭

You feel proud of your body for the first time in your life and you truly love yourself for more than your body too.

You eat your favorite foods without an ounce of guilt and you finally see how worthy you are of joy, freedom, and (self) love.

You've given up dieting - for good - and you feel confident in your skin, your job, your relationships, and yes, the bedroom too, girl!

You don't have to imagine it anymore!

Beyond Body is the program that will show you how to break free from body-image struggles and learn to finally love yourself. 

Your self-love journey starts here in Beyond Body... Are you ready?


"I'm feeling so empowered. I'm feeling so happy… I am worthy of my own love and others."

"Before, I was very unsure of myself. Mary's retreat made me realize who I am."

"I've had a lot of major breakthroughs - dealing with past traumas, body image issues, and self-hate.
I will thank Mary every day of my life for helping me overcome them."

Hold on a second. I have questions!

When does Bitchin' Body-Image start/end?
Beyond Body is now 100% a self-paced, self-study online course. There is no start or end date. Once you join, you will have instant access to all the course content.

How much time will I need to commit?
Each module has 1-2 hours of lessons + homework and the online retreat recordings which are ~2 hours long. If you do all the work (and I highly recommend you do), it would be a time commitment of about 3-4 hours per section. But the real magic happens outside of Beyond Body as you put the tools into practice in your daily life.

Note: you will have LIFETIME access to ALL course material, so don't worry if you can't get through all of it right away!

Can I join Bitchin' Body-Image if I'm under 18?
You must be 18+ to join unless you have explicit permission from your parents/guardians.

How long do I have access to this course?
Forever! You will have lifetime access to all the course materials, including all the audio lessons, challenges, online retreat recordings, supplementary workbook, self-love meditations and guest interviews.
What is the refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds.

If I have an ED or am in recovery, can I join Bitchin' Body-Image?
Although Beyond Body is not focused on eating disorder recovery, much of the content surrounding body-image, intuitive eating and self-confidence will be a great supplement to your recovery journey. This program should never be used in place of professional help, but rather, for some extra tools and support.

If I’m in therapy, can I still join Bitchin' Body-Image?
Of course! Though Beyond Body is not a replacement for therapy, but rather a supplement. Most of our students are already on a personal growth journey - whether that’s using therapy, coaching, treatment, or self-healing - myself included! So you will learn a lot of new tools for self-love no matter where you’re at on your journey.

I'm a little nervous about it? How intense is it going to be?
Firstly, signing up for Beyond Body is a BRAVE step in your self-love journey. Everything you're feeling is normal, a part of the process, and you are NOT alone. I know what it's like to not like your body and feel like you'll never be good enough no matter what you do which is why I created Beyond Body: so that I can help you LEARN to love yourself. The only way out is through and I will be there for you every step of the way. <3 


As a public speaker, published author, and women’s retreat host, I’ve coached thousands of women in their journey to self-love. 

But things weren’t always so sweet. All of this came from an 8-year battle with an eating disorder that left me feeling so lost, lonely, and broken. After finally deciding to heal my body, mind and spirit, I started my online platform, Mary’s Cup of Tea, to help women be more confident in their bodies and love themselves unconditionally.

My story has been featured in places like TEDx, Teen Vogue, and Health Magazine because unfortunately, so many women know what it’s like to hate their bodies. I’m committed to changing this trend by empowering women through my social media, online programs, and worldwide self-love retreats.

This e-course is my way of sharing everything that has helped me, and hundreds of women I've coached, step into self-love.

  Implementing the tools and techniques in Bitchin' Body-Image has set me free.